
Showing posts from April, 2018

Dearest Dad

I am so blessed to have you in my life. I always have been, but now I know. Now I am blessed by Thy presences and by the knowing. So blessed my whole life by family who Love me, with passion, compassion, my animals, my friends, desire, hope, fear and grief, pain and pleasure. It’s not what I think that matters. It’s what I believe. It’s not what I have done, but what I believe is possible that matters. I believe in Love. I believe in You. Thou art great and I have faith in Thee. I believe You Love me as I Love my children, as I Love my wife. I believe my life has purpose. That I was meant to be. For them, for Thee, I can see it’s no longer about me. It’s about Us. Thee, them, us and theirs together now and for ever in Thy Love in Thy Spirit. I Love You. I Love. I am that I am. Amen.

Dear God

Grateful for this time with my wife and daughters. Thankful for my new job. Humbled by Thy Love. Please comfort and protect my family in my absence. Grant them wisdom, strength and courage to face their challenges, overcome their fears, and care for each other. Please let them know our Love and recognize Thy presence. Please grant me save travel. Deliver me from evil, guide me to success, and bring me home safely. Grant me wisdom, grace and confidence. Help me learn. Help me use what I have learned. Help me be a good husband, father and person. I wish to be more genuine with Thee. More real. Authentic. I am responsible. I am accountable. I am present and mindful. I am aware of my shortcomings and ask Thee for assistance when I fall short.  Thou art my Hope, my Aim and my Refuge. There is no other God but Thee. My Love and praise to Thee. I worship Thee with all my heart and Soul. I Love Thee. Walk with me. Talk with me. Thy Love sets me free. Grant me the ability to know Thy Will a...


Thank You for Kayla. Please bless her with kind friends. Please play golf with her tomorrow and help her enjoy the day. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Thank you for this evening’s meal. Together as a family. Conversation. Humor. Support. As it should be. All present with our own challenges, frustrations, fears, hopes. Sharing, listening, eating, laughing. This is the sweet nectar of life my dad talked about in his toast on our wedding night. Not perfect, nor ideal, not grand, nor particularly memorable, just our little family living our lives together. So great so full of Love. So content at this moment. A respite in the tumult. Please bless us all with many more moments like it. Please grant Kayla a fluid swing in tomorrow’s golf tournament. Help her see the line and find the hole. Please bless Chloe with confidence and peace of mind in school tomorrow. Calm her worries and settle her thoughts with optimism. Please heal Mary. Soothe her soar throat and lessen her cough. Help her breathe and bless her with energy and a renewed love of dance. Please calm the turbulent seas around Suzy’s life. Grant her peace of mind and calm her worri...

My Father in Heaven

Hallelujah. Hallowed be Thy name. I will never be the same. I lay down in green pastures. I walk in the shadow of death. Thy Love comforts me. I fear no evil. Thou art with me. Thy presence brings me hope. Thy mercy is my healing. Thy Will is my guide. Thy Son my Shepard. Thy Spirit my friend. Thou art my King. To know Thee my desire. To serve Thee my purpose. To praise Thee.To worship Thee. To live my life for Thee. My purpose. Grant me the mind to know, the heart to see, the strength to act, and the courage to be free. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear God

So grateful for this day. Not much more to say. Some time spent outdoors. Some time doing chores. Shopping with the kids. Other things I did. For the family on Sunday. Thy sabbath is the best. In Thy name I found some rest. Now for time alone with Thee. To be the man I want to be. These humble words to Thee I write. Before I lay me down tonight. Gratitude for Thee I share. Requests of Thee I dare. To set my thinking straight. Rhyming words don’t hesitate. Flow from my heart and mind. Seeking Love is what I find. Close to Thee is how I feel. Thy Love for me I know is real. Like my family here today. Thou art my Father every day. Love and grief they come together. Those I’ve lost I’ll always tether. To my body, Soul and mind. In them Thy Love I always find. For me now as in the end. My Love for Thee I send. Bless me now with wisdom. Within me is Thy Kingdom. Grant me shelter there. Help me be aware. Help me not squander this life. Be a good husband to my wife. A good father to my childre...


Thank You for J. Amen.


If we are created in Thy image both man and woman are Thou Father and Mother? In sincere reverence I ask for I long to know Thee. My notion of Thee as male I question. Are Thee both or neither? As I examine my beliefs I think of Thee as Father and that Thou has created our Mother Nature. We are by Thee of Her. The more I ponder the more I see Thee as God and Godess. Father and Mother. Brother and Sister. Friend and Lover. Husband and Wife. I pray in the name of Emmanuel to know Thee, to understand, for conception. I pray for insight. I pray for wisdom. I pray for strength. I pray for courage. God please help. Comfort me. Calm my mind. Grant me patience. Let me know who I am. Let me be worthy of Thy Love. Let me be enough. Let me be satisfied. Content. In Jesus' name I ask these things. In praise of Thee I wish to sing. I wish to know what I should do. It's hard to see the gifts I bring. I thank Thee God for everything. Amen.

Dear God

I thank Thee with a soft heart. So blessed I am to know Thee. Please grant me restful sleep tonight. Be with me in the morning light. Please accompany me to my new job. Help me engage at work. Help me be myself. Help me do my work. Well. Help me learn all I need to know. Help me be where I must go. This is all I have to say. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


Thank You! Amen.


Thank You for this new opportunity. So grateful for where I am and excited for where I am going. Help me in this transition. Grant me confidence, peace of mind and optimism. Grant me wisdom, faith and good humor. Help me be mindful, present and kind. Allow me to recognize Thy presence and see Thy signs. Speak to me so I may understand Thy Will. Protect me as I travel. Protect and comfort my family while I am gone. Send Thy Spirit to bless us at mass tomorrow morning. So grateful for the opportunity to go! Help me be there for my family and keep perspective of on what's really important. Help make my work worship. Help me glorify Thy name. Praise be to Thee Thou art generous beyond measure. Thou art merciful. Thou art kind. Thou art wonderful. Great. Thy Love sustains me. Thy mercy heals me. I was lost but now I see. You are always there for me. Now I know that You are here. In the middle of nowhere. Everywhere. I know that You are real. Thy presence makes me feel. Alive. Knowing Th...


Thou art great. Thy creation is beyond imagining. Humbled by Thy Love. I struggle to find words worthy of Thee. My praise and worship of Thee I offer sincerely and freely. From my heart I thank Thee. From my Soul I love Thee. My Spirit sings to Thee. My body and mind carry me to Thee. I seek Thy presence knowing Thou art here. I seek Thy Love knowing Thou art near. I write these prayers to know Thy Will. If I write them well all is still. My mind at ease. My body calm. Words from my heart. Beat of my psalm. Help me start to find my rest. Help me God to be my best. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Thee my Soul to keep. If I die before I wake. I pray dear God my Soul to take. In the morning when I rise. Be with me Lord before my eyes. Walk with me throughout the day. Help me with the words to say. I Love Thee God with all my heart. Let us never be apart. Make my life a work of art. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. To Thy Holy Spirit and Thee my Love I send.

Dear God

Thankful I am for Thee. For all that Thee has done for me. A glimpse I see of what my life can truly be. Please grant me strength to withstand temptation. Help me choose the right without hesitation. Grant me patients, time and wisdom.Guard my family, home and freedom. Help me raise my children. Help me Love my wife. Grant me all I need. To live a worthy life. 

Oh God Dear God

I thank Thee for bringing my daughter home safely. 


I gave two weeks notice at work this morning. This would not have been possible without You. These conversations with Thee have given me the confidence to move forward. To trust in Thy plan for me. To have faith in Thee. I have asked Thee for a great many things lately and I humbly accept all that Thee has given. Thou art generous. Thou art kind. Thou art present. I feel Thy presence and I struggle not to weep with joy. Thy nearness brings me hope. Please grant us restful sleep tonight Please bring Kayla safely home tomorrow. Please bless Chloe and Mary in school. And grant Suzy peace at work. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.