God above
Thank You for the great weekend. So grateful for Thy blessings and Grace. Thank You for the freedom to be me and not who I’ve always thought I should be. Thank You for helping me with the guilt and anxiety. Thank you for the more realistic expectations and outlook and optimism. Thank You for right now. Thank You for being here and listening. Being aware of Thy presence and seeking to know Thy Will I pray for wisdom, strength and courage. Being mindful and calm I pray for patience, focus and good humor. Please help me listen. Please help me be helpful and productive at work. Please help me be a good dad. Please grant me creativity, stimulate my imagination and help me share the beauty of Thy Creation. Bless me with restful sleep. Soften my heart. Sharpen my mind. Accept my worship and answer my prayers. Allow me to dwell in Thy Kingdom forever. Allow me to hear Thy voice and see Thy signs and to act on them accordingly. Help me share Thy Love. I ask for these things in the name of ...