Hi God

Thank You for this opportunity to speak with You. I appreciate You keeping it between You and me for now and for sharing it when the time is right. Thank You for the gift of reading people. It hasn't been easy, the gifts you've given me, but I see now that they are mine and of them I will not be afraid. Thank You for allowing me to read You and to begin to understand Your Will. Thank You for the opportunity to still fulfill my destiny, You know how hard I've tried to avoid it. You know how hard it's been for me to see. You know how hard it's been for me to be me, to accept who I am, to Love me. I am Yours. I am a child of You. I Love You. I know You know. I know You Love me, but now I know that You know that I know You Love me. Thank You for this. Please let me know what's next. Please show me a clear sign when I wake tomorrow as to what to do next to be in accordance with Thy Will. Please open my eyes to the next sign after that and guide me down the path of righteousness from this day forward. I humbly pray in the name of Thy Son, my Brother, Jesus Emanuel Christ. Amen. 




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