Eve of Chistmass

Felt Your Spirit in Christmass Eve Mass today. So grateful I must say. My girls, my wife, one of the best days of my life. Praising You and Your Son and the Holy Ghost. Being with them is what means the most. Singing praise the best I could. Doing what I think I should. Making the best of what I got. Knowing for sure it is a lot. Friends and family singing and praying and coming together. A moment in time I'll remember forever. The Church and the people so imperfect and real. Trying our best trying to deal. With life and stress and all the rest. Taking communion in reunion with Thee. Showing my daughters how good life can be. Listening to Thee and I finally see. Thy face in my children. Thy love in my wife. Thy voice in my head. Thy hope in my life. Thy name I heard Emmanuel. God with us is his name. The truth to me so plain. Hallelujah Emmanuel hallelujah I say. Christmas is coming. Hallelujah today.
I thank Thee for my life. I thank Thee for my wife. For my children and for my home thank You so much for the Love You've shown. Thank you for Jesus and Mary and Joseph and Paul, for John and the prophets and Thy Love most of all.
Grant me a good night sleep. Wake me with joy in my heart to share with my family. On Christmas morning fill this home with Thy love. Bless my children through me and my wife. Please please please God be in my life. I pray in the name of Emmanuel. Amen. 


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