God of the Universe

I have faith in Thee. The problem is me. Dear Lord what is wrong with me? Have I not overcome enough to believe in myself. Have I not sought the truth, fought for the right, brought justice, made love, grown friendship, built bridges, and cared enough to have faith in me. I am forgiven and still feel condemned. I am haunted by my failures. I am repentant, but not enough, never enough it seems, to shed this curse I have placed on myself. Why do I deserve to live when the good ones died? Whom am I, that I should be so blessed? Am I Yours? Why should the God of the whole Universe want me? Please Lord help me overcome myself. Please, for them, let me get over myself. Grant me opportunity and the will to take advantage of it.  Help me sleep, Help me have faith in myself. Grant me the confidence I lack to fulfill Thy Will for me. I know through the atonement of Thy Son I am forgiven before I ask, but forgive me for my sins. Forgive my self loathing. Forgive my lack of faith in myself and in Thee. I pray that I may hit Thy mark Thee has set for me. In the name of Jesus Emmanuel Christ. Amen.


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