
Thank you for my job. Please help me sleep tonight, help me keep the CPAP on all night tonight. I pray I wake up rested and with a good attitude. Please be with me tomorrow at work and help me do good work. Help me be focused and productive in the team meetings and trainings. Help me be in good cheer during the lunch time gift exchange. Allow me a good sense of humor and the ability to feel and share the love You have given me so much of lately. Help me find my purpose. Give me courage to fulfill it. Grant me wisdom to act in accordance with Thy will. Please bring me home to my family knowing I did a good days work. Help me bless them with love and the energy and ability to satficy their needs. Help me love my wife in a way that makes her feel loved. Make me a better father and husband. Make me a better man. Help me understand. I ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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