
Not sure why I've been praying in rhyme. Takes no effort and hardly no time. My thoughts seem to clear my words start to flow. Helps me discover things I don't know. I mean no offense and my only defense is I do it with love. I just start writing and my mind stops fighting. I follow my heart. Not sure what to say. It's always been that way. I mean what do you say to the One who knows all. What can I give to the One who has everything. Maybe a song. Maybe I'll sing. Maybe I'll fall. Make a fool of myself. Maybe the rhyme will stop on a dime and with my heart revealed, I'll see what it is real. You haven't ever heard these words before. Not said this way. I am the only person in the world tonight to post these bold words in Thy sight. I love You my Maker. I love you today. I know my Creator and I say on this day. Merry Christmas my Father above. Merry Christmas my Brother of Love. Merry Christmas Holy Spirit. I pray that Thee hear it. I pray for myself, I pray for my brother I pray for my daughters, my sisters, my wife. I love You God. I love my Life. I thank Thee for it. Amen. Good night. 


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