Wow You are awesome

Two days in a row without angst, worry, guilt. I will consider this a sign from You to my question. I will hold off treating my anxiety with drugs. Thank you for this. I know it's You helping me. I will keep seeking You even-tho You are right here in front of me. I will seek the truth. I will struggle for rightiousness and justice even-tho my efforts seem futile and my skills so inadequate to do the job at hand. My confidence is growing. With You by my side I shall put away my fears. I shall come here often to talk with You. These conversations are begining to have an effect. It is obvious to me when I reflect, my heart has softened, my soul renewed, here in this moment, mindful of You. Being present here in this moment is very special. I will not take it for granted. I will not look back and mourn. I will not seek the future and worry. I am here now with You. Thank You for being here. Thank You for helping me help them. Please grant me a restful night sleep. Be with me while I dream. Bless me with dreams I remember and signs I understand. When I wake, make Your presence known. Speak to me so I can hear. Help me listen. Be on my mind and in my heart. Fan the flame of my soul. Spark my spirit. Give me strength. Oh, God, I feel sleep taking me as I write. You answer me now, my eyes close, my thoughts fade, sleep is here, it is You, tucking me in. Thank you Father. I love you. Good night


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