Allah'u'abha, Allah'u'abha, Allah'u'abha, hall alleluia, hall alleluia, hall alleluia

Father of glory, friend in the dark. Healer and redeemer, hope and light, power and might, guide me through the night. Fill my dreams with what I need. In my heart please plant the seed. Grant me wisdom, faith and courage to always see. Through my darkest hours, my friend indeed is Thee. Humbly I ask, tomorrow come with me. At work I need Thy help. I really need to be a better me. Grant me there the opportunity. Help me make a real difference. I want to be myself, but better somehow. Confident. Intelegent. Common sense and eloquent, in word and thoughts and deeds. With You with me, all this I'll surely be. Help me lift up all those around me. Help me make them all they can be. While I'm there please keep my daughters safe. Please impower my wife at her workplace. Comfort her and grant her space. Bring us safely home to our family. Please bless us with serenity. Please send Thy serendipity. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Glory of God, and the Holy Spirit. To Thee my love I send. Amen, amen, amen.


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