Dear God

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Thee my soul to keep. If this was the last day of my life. Care for my kids, my dogs, my wife. Bless them dear God I know You can. Die I will a happy man. Wake me in the morning gloom. Help me make my flower bloom. If the snow has fallen deep. Wake me early.  from my sleep. Give me energy to play. Give me words that I may say. Come with me today to play. Let's sled the hill with the dogs today. A little late for Christmas Eve sledding. Better late than never wedding. If my wife and daughter drive. Ride with them and keep alive. Bring them home safe and sound. Freely pass the love around. Words are coming slow tonight. Maybe in the morning light. My thought will flow with greater ease. I'll pray to Thee on my knees. Fill my life with peace and bliss. Let me give my wife a kiss. Let me hug my children and let them know. That I will never let them go. Even when they're gown and gone. They will be my favorite song. Forgive me Lord for all my sin. You know my heart and where I've been. Thy love for me is all I need. My love for Thee my sole creed. In the name Jesus Christ Emmanuel I pray to Thee and wish Thee well! Amen.

Do you ever have a bad day? Outside of time and space, I wonder how you view this place. Is it small my little life and space and time. A little blink a flash a shine. A second a minute an hour goes by. A day last for ever until it's done. Time seems to fly when I'm having fun. Did You make us to mark the time. To give it meaning. To make it ryhme. To make a place that others see. To see You here. To hear the tree. Did You make us so Thee would be. In Thy image so Thee could see? I love You more I like to say. I love Thee too. I love, come what may. 


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