Sunday nights are hard. Does my church attendance really matter to You? I love church, but recently, well You know. Is Thy Kingdom within me? I believe this is an apt description. I believe that wherever I go there You are. I wish to worship Thee always and am disappointed I do not think of Thee more often. I wish to praise Thee always. Praise be to Thee now and forevermore. I miss church as a time allotted for communion with Thee and will surely return, but in these conversations with Thee I have felt Thy Spirit and presence like never before in my life. Thank you for this. These conversations have changed my life and made me whole again. Not that You have come into my life, because You have always been here, but that I have become more aware of Thee. A true friend. Here. Now. Always. Please help me dream of Thee tonight. Grant me restful sleep. Heal me. Please wake me in the morning with Thee on my mind. Bless me always, bless my socks off tomorrow and everyday. Show me what I can do for Thee. Speak to me. Help me understand and hear Thy voice. I need Thee with me. Please stay with me. Make me worthy of Thee. Make me strong. Grant me wisdom, Grant me faith. Show me Thy Will. Guide me on the path of righteousness. Grant me the courage to follow it. I pray for this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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