
Thank you for this moment. Right here right now. With my daughter and wife hanging out on our bed before going to sleep. My two introverts sharing a moment. Simultaneously surfing, sharing pictures, talking about taking a tour of the Celestial Tea factory down in Boulder someday. Their steam of conscious flow of ideas of things to do and what could be and dad your so slows. Talking about foods to eat. Tea flavor galor. Coconut Zinger. Trash day tomorrow Big K! Almond Sunset, Black Cherry Berry, Sweet Coconut Chia, Fireside Vanilla Spice. Kayla dinks all the teas. Ooo Lavender Honey...the dogs surrounding us on the floor. T-bone working on the giant Christmas raw hide that resurfaced today. This is heaven on earth. Thank You. Help Chloe believe in Thee. Help her find her passion. Help her say yes. Please bless us with restful sleep. Please be with us like this always. Thank you for the love. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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