Hello Father

If this is not a promting I know not what one is. Facing you is facing the truth. There is no where to hide. I let You in completely, not sure then what that meant. I see now that I'm broken not just bent. It was hard for me to see. I was supposed to be so strong. I've thought this for so long. Now all I see is weakness. Now I feel so much pain. Emotional and physical they're with me night and day. I'm not one to complain, but this I have to say. Coping brought addiction, bad habits and shame. This has come between us. I know that I've been lame. I chose not to believe, that with you things are better. That my broken could be fixed. I know that Thee has forgiven me. I know it's not a trick. Now that I am ready I see I'm really sick. I forgive myself, but fear it's far too late. Afraid I have already sealed my fate. 

Now that I am with you I can see. Who I truly want to be. What I think and how I feel are of little consequence. It's what I do that matters. It's what will make a differenece. I know it's just a start, but I finally know my part. Follow my heart, take care of myself and heal. What I can't control leave with Thee. You will deal with it not me. You will help me through the night. You will help me make it right. You will make me strong again. You will help me make a plan. I will start to understand. You are Love and I am free. A friend for life for me You'll be. It is clearly my choice. In this world and the next. To be with or be without. It's what Love is all about. 

Please God help me make good choices. Like a Phoenix help me rise. I want nothing to come between us. So when I ask please advise. Make me healthy, wealthy, and wise. Don't disguise Thy Love for me. Show me what I need to see. Grant me restful sleep tonight. Wake me in the morning light. In the morning when I rise. Put Thy face before my eyes. So that I will surely see. My friend for life is with me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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