
Thou art my refuge from the storm. I come to Thee with grief and sorrow and Thy light eases my night and brightens tomorrow. Tho my life is a hurricane, Thee art the eye, the Calm, the Light. My life will never be the same. As I walk with Thee the storm dissipates. The Sun is revealed in a red sky at night. Thy sailors delight. The seas settle the breeze whispers the stars shine. I lay down to sleep in the shadow of death and breathe easy as Thou art with me. I lay down to rest while You keep watch. Thy Grace settles over me as I sleep. I dream of Thee. I dream of green pastures and blue sky and white clouds. I hear my children laughing and know that life is good. I walk to the gates of Thy Kingdom and they are open. My father is there and my sisters too. My dogs are there and they are so happy to see me. They dance and prance and we visit and hug and smile until I must go. They walk me home. I wake to the challenges of the day knowing they are the root of all blessings. I wake next to my wife. I am grateful for this life. I am grateful for my Father as He revealed Himself to me. He showed me how good this life can be. He has given me all that I can see. I can be whoever I want to be and He will love me. I can go wherever I want to go and He will be there for me. His Kingdom is within me and now I finally see. The life that is before me is all I'll ever need. Amen. 


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