
Showing posts from February, 2018

Dear Dad

I thank Thee Father for all I see. For all that I will ever be. Appreciate Thou let me see. You are always here with me. So blessed to make it home today. So blessed to finally have a way. To talk to You and listen too. To know there's something I can do. To calm my mind, explore my feelings, change my ways and know Thy healing. The peace of mind I now find. In these simple words I write. They nourish me all through the night. They cary me away to sleep. I pray To Thee my Soul to keep.  Now through the day I walk in light. I know that I am doing right. Finally having clarity. Knowing that You are here with me. In awe of how this came to be. I asked for Thee to be with me. Simple now it is to see. How much that Thee mean to me.  You, Thy Son and Holy Gohst are the ones I love the most. All in one or separate beings Catholics Mormons all believing. Both are right I dare to say. Only You can be this way. I pray to Thee both day and night. I pray for wisdom and insight. In Jesus...


Please grant me an attitude of gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for and still I focus on my lack and weakness. Fill my heart with gladness, rid me of this angst and fear. Fill me with hope and banish my sorrow. Help me live today and let tomorrow take care of itself. Please God help me get the rest I need tonight. Please help me serve Thee well tomorrow. I ask for Thy guidance and protection. I ask that Thee bring me home safely to my family. I ask Thee for Thy strength, wisdom, and courage and the whit to put them to use in accordance with Thy Will. I ask for all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray for the blessings of Thy Holy Spirit. I pray to always recognize Emmanuel. I pray for Thy blessings on my family. I pray to know Thee. I love Thee now and for ever. Amen. 

Dear God

I am grateful for all my blessings. I thank Thee for my life. I am humbled by Thy creation and honored byThy  presence. Please keep me safe as I travel this week. Please protect my family. Please pour Thy Grace upon me. Bless me with restful sleep. Please be with me while I work. Grant me the wisdom, skills and confidence to do my job well. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear Difference

What difference will it make? She asked me when she wouldn't pray. I think about this every day. This is what I'd like to say. I pray to God my soul to keep. I pray to God before I sleep. All day long I do my thing. I write a psalm and then I sing. Each and every day I pray. This seems to be the only way. For me to see Thy plan for me.  What difference will I make? Only in the end I'll know. How far down the path I'll go. If I make it all the way. It will be because I pray. Praying puts my thoughts in words. Praying lets my soul be heard. It brings to me some peace of mind. When I look it helps me find. Forgotten truth I left behind. Praying helps me have a say. It always helps me find my way.  I pray for Thee to soften her heart. I promise Thee I'll do my part. I'll love her always come what may. I'll be her father in every way. Let her feel Thy love for her. Guide her. Love her. Make her sure. Help me help her find a way. To thank Thee Father every day....

Oh God

Thou art truly great. Do Thou knowest my fate? With my freedom to choose my way. To take the path or run away. Infinite my options are. Thee hath given me a guiding star. To look inside to know what's right. To feel Thy love and righteous might. To seek the truth. To overcome fear. To seek Thy presence. To be drawn near. With Thee is where I want to be. I hold the power. I know the secret. I turn the key. I finally see. The open door I'm looking for. I could never ask for more. The life I lead is so complete. I'm at Thy table. I take a seat. It's You I've always longed to meet. You serve my needs. You wash my feet. You feed my soul. Thy food I eat. I vow to serve Thee all my life. A worthy husband to my wife. A loving father to my children. You smile on me. I feel forgiven. Time seems to pass me by. I dare not wonder why. The present is the future past. Tomorrow makes first things last. Thy presence make the time run fast. Present tense is where we are. I dare to to...

Dear God

Thank You for this. One of the coolest shots I've ever taken. The cross is hard to miss. Definitely one of your more obvious signs. To me it meant everything was going to be OK. Came at a really trying time for me. So, thank You, seriously. Thank You. My wife saw how down I was and suggested I step outside and take the picture. I didn't even see it at the time. But later, wow, I mean You really outdid Yourself. I remember thinking to myself You must be showing off now. When I finally saw the cross I cried. I had asked You for a sign and there it was. I Loved it. Hard to love creation and not love the Creator! I Love You God. Amen.

Dear God

Thank you. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel so upset? Grateful for this wonderful world and my life with all its ups and downs. Would gladly trade some of the highs to lighten lows like this. Please help me with this. Please calm my mind. Please lighten the load. Remove from me this need to be right, to be good, to protect and defend, to fix this world. Allow me to accept things for how they are. Allow me to accept my limitations. Allow me to leave what I cannot control up to You. Grant me peace. Grant me wisdom. Grant me Love. I accept Thy Will. I welcome Thy Spirit. I accept Thy Son as my Lord and Savior. I recognize Emmanuel. I acknowledge the Glory of God. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Oh my God. Thank You for seeing us through tonight's crisis. Precipitated by me insisting she pray to Thee. I am a fool. I know You wouldn't ever force someone to talk with Thee. Who am I to do so. Please Father softer her heart. Help me help her see the light. Comfort her. Protect her. Help us follow through on the blessings from this evening's trials. Help us find her the help she needs. Help her know Thy Love. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Dear God

Thank You for bringing Suzy home safely. You are a truly awesome God. Please help me be the man she deserves. Help me be a good husband and father. Help me be a good son and friend. Bless me with restful sleep tonight and be with me through the day tomorrow. Help me be a blessing to those at work. Grant me wisdom, grace and good humor. Help me glorify Thee as I make my work worship. Help me make a positive difference in the world. Thy mercy to me is my healing. Thy name is My Stronghold in this world and the world to come. There is none other God but Thee. Verily Tho art the All Bountiful, the All Knowing, the All Wise. I pray in the name of Glory of the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear Dad

I thank Thee for bringing us home safely. Thank You for helping me be present with and mindful of my daughters. Please be with them always.  Please bring Suzy safely home to us. Help me show her how much I love her. Thankful I am for  Thy help and guidance at work. Make it plain what I aught to do.  Please calm my nerves and let me recognize all Thee hath done for me. Please allow me to be present, mindful and kind. Allow me to reflect Thy Grace. Allow me to know Thy Will. Grant me self control and discipline. Help me understand. Grant me wisdom. Bless me with strength. Help me improve my health. Hold my hand. Show me the way. Help me make a difference.  What can I do for Thee Father? How can I show Thee my love? Do I already know? Is that You whispering to my conscience? Is that You clearing the way? Do I ask too many questions? Please grant me restful sleep tonight. Please place Thy signs in my sight. Open my eyes to see them. Help me see Thy light. Warm my heart. ...

Father of Glory

Let me tell a story. Thankful I am for Thee. Hopeful I am to see. Honored I am to be. Your child I am and free. Humbled I am by Thy love. Blessed I am from above. Favored I am by Thy presence. Comforted I am by Thy competence. Challenged I am by Thy confidence. Inspired I am by Thy brilliance. Striving I am for Thy Will. Trying I am to be still. Listening here for Thy voice. Knowing I have made my choice. To let myself go. To let myself know. What is right by Thy law. Seeking justice for all. Through faith knowing truth. To being put to use. In service to Thee. I follow a dream. I am on Thy team. To be in the game. To be rid of shame. Forgiven of sin. Able to win. Knowing where I've been. To see what's ahead. As I lay in bed. Not fearing the end. My love I send. Willing to dare. Wanting to share. The blessings Thou have given. Knowing how I'm living. With Thee all is well. I will now tell. A story of love. A story of hope. Good news I'll send. Beginning to end. A story ...

Dearest I am

Thank You for delivering me home safely. So grateful to be in bed beside my wife. Please protect her on her trip tomorrow. Please have her bring comfort, healing and love to her parents. Please help me care for the girls and dogs in her absence. Please guide and protect us on our trip to Denver this weekend. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Please help me. I lie here awake and have no words. I write but have nothing to say. Are you here with me now? Tell me what to say. Give me the words to express my gratitude. Grant me the ability to write something of great consequence. To pull from my soul the meaning of my life. Wash from me the doubts that hold me. Grow in me belief. Show me possibilities. Allow optimism to banish my despair. Let Hope drive my dreams. Let the glimmer of happiness ignite my spirit. Let a bit of silliness gladden may heart. Please fill the pages of my imagination with stories yet to be lived. Be with me as I am with my daughters. Help me show them that I love them. Be the love I share with my wife. Fill our lives with joy and wonder. Please grant Suzy the strength, wisdom and courage to support her parents on this trip home. Protect her. Guide her. Love her home to us. Give my love power and grace in caring for my family while she's gone. I pray for this in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Chr...

Dear Heavenly Father

I Thank Thee for Thy presence in my life. And for my family and my wife, for my job and my life. I am grateful for my health and our wealth. Please protect me on the road and bring me safely home. Please help me be a good father, husband and man. Help me do whatever I can. Help me understand. Help me know wrong from right. Help me sleep well through the night. In Jesus name I pray. Help me face another day. Amen.

Eternal Father

Forgive my previous prayer. Thank You for not granting my request. Not sure I could actually handle hearing from You with regards to Thy Will for me. Maybe You did come to me in a dream last night and I didn't remember. Probably a good thing. Suzy had nightmares last night and remembered them vividly.  Please bless her with restful sleep tonight. I'm done asking for Thee to speak to me or for me to hear Thy voice. I realize now it's a lot to ask. Not like I'm Moses, for Your sake. I'd probably be more like Jona and go in the exact opposite direction Thy sent me. I'd probably need to be spit-out of a fish before doing what Thee ask of me. I will continue to seek Thy signs and act on Thy prompting. For these I am so grateful and recognizing Thy presence and blessings in my life will continue to be my calling. I just wanted more, to know more, to be more, to be someone greater than I am. I know I can be, but with You I am. I am that, I am.  This paradox You've...


All knowing. All powerful. Omnipresent. Omnipotent. Creator of Heaven and Earth. All merciful. How could anything I say or do mean anything to Thee? How in anyway could I make any meaningful difference? Are these conversations with Thee an exercise for me alone? Do I even matter? Am I imagining things when I sense Thy presence? Am I the only one in this conversation? Am I fooling myself? Forgive me for my lack of faith. I am grateful for every miracle that has brought me to this moment. I pray, however, that Thee speak directly to me. Not a sign or a prompting or an occurrence I assume must be You. Come to me in a dream tonight and tell me what I can do for You. What can I do to glorify Thy Name? What is Thy Will for me? Please God. Send me a dream. Allow me to remember it. Let me wake up knowing it was You. I pray for this in the name of Jesus, the Glory of God, Emmanuel. Amen.

Oh God

Oh Lord forgive me again for my weakness and bless me with Thy strength. Forgive me my independence and bless me with Thy freedom. Forgive me my poverty and bless me with Thy wealth. Forgive me for my despair and bless me with Thy joy. Forgive me my doubts and bless me with Thy confidence. Forgive me my ignorance and bless me with Thy wisdom. Forgive me my hate and bless me with Thy Love. Forgive me my wavering and bless me with Thy steadfastness. Forgive my lack of faith and bless me with Thy surety. Gratefully Yours. In the name of Thy Son Jesus I pray. Amen. 


Thou art my hope. I am greatful for my most recent disappointment. I've have prayed to Thee for me to be able to abide by Thy Will. Once again rejected, but in Thy presence, I know it wasn't meant to be. With You as my life coach I will not fail. Thank You for my current opportunity. Thank You for my current circumstances. Thank You for my current challenges. Please grant me the wisdom, strength and courage to succeed. Bless me with the necessary skills to do my job well. Bless me with a sense of humor. Bless me with patience. Help me make a difference. Help me improve healthcare. Help me change people's lifes for the better. Help me bless those around me. Help me be a good husband and father. Help me be a good coworker and friend. Help me be a good son and brother. Help me be a good man. Show me the path that leads back to You. Protect me Father. Hold my hand. I need Thee now more than ever. Guard me from temptation that surely comes before victory. Atone my weakness. Make...


Father of Gloy help me sleep tonight. Be with me in my dreams.  Show me what I need to know. Wake me with Thy light. Grant me Insight. In lighten me. When I awake be on my mind. Be on my lips. Lift me up. Grant me a portion of Thy Joy. Help me share it with the world. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

My Love

I am grateful for Thy patience with me. Today I felt lost. Now I see it was me not seeking Thee again. Me not trying to see Thee. Me just trodden through a Monday. Tredding water. Getting by. Not calling on Thee to wake me from my stupor. Oh God, my Love, please wake me up. With Thee I am greater than I will ever be alone. Help me see Thee at work. Help me hear Thy voice. Help me make my work worship of Thee. Bless me with Thy presence at work. Bless me with Thy presence at home. Help me glorify Thee at work and at home. Help me help Suzy. I pray to Thee in the name of Jesus Christ bless Suzy's socks off. Comfort her. Alleviate her anxiety. Calm her mind. Grant her peace of mind. Grant her wisdom and confidence. Always be with her. Let her know how beautiful she is. Let her know how much We love her.Thank You so much for putting her in my life. She is the answer to all my prayers and all that I need to know how much You love me. Please help me be the husband she deserves. I pray fo...

My Why

I live for Thee. My purpose is to acknowledge Thy presence. To love Thee. I do so of my own free will. Thou has created me to know Thee and worship Thee. Thou has granted me freedom and hid Thyself so by my seeking and my choosing to be with Thee I have made Love. You love me and set me free. I love Thee. So I will always acknowledge Thy presence and worship Thee and pray every day. I will do what is right. I will fight the good fight. I will seek the truth. I will abide by Thy Will. I will seek Thy good pleasure. My life I will measure by the love I give. I will honor Thee by the life I live. I will never give up. I will rely on my Faith. I will listen for Thy voice. I will act when prompted by Thee. I ask in the name of Jesus Christ for wisdom, strength and courage so that I may live in accordance to Thy Will. Amen.

Dear God

Thank You for this day. Thank You for this life. As I lay me down to sleep. This promise to Thee I will keep. To count my blessings every day. To try and find the words to say, I love my God. I love my wife. I love my kids. I love my life. The words don't even have to rhyme. I feel Thy presence every time. When I look I always find. You're in my heart and in my mind. When I look around I see. You're everywhere and here with me. I always wanted it to be. I was broke but it was free. Gratitude is where I start. From deep inside it warms my heart. My body mind and soul align. I see Thy Will I see Thy sign. My Spirit soars by Thy design. I know Thee God, Thou art Divine. Grant me restful sleep tonight. Bless me in the morning light. Protect my family while they sleep. I pray to Thee my Soul to keep.  Ok enough with the rhymes I must say. Is this now how I'll always pray? I think of You and rhymes just come. Even when the day is done. I ask of You so much it's true. Seem...