Dear Dad

I thank Thee Father for all I see. For all that I will ever be. Appreciate Thou let me see. You are always here with me. So blessed to make it home today. So blessed to finally have a way. To talk to You and listen too. To know there's something I can do. To calm my mind, explore my feelings, change my ways and know Thy healing. The peace of mind I now find. In these simple words I write. They nourish me all through the night. They cary me away to sleep. I pray To Thee my Soul to keep. 

Now through the day I walk in light. I know that I am doing right. Finally having clarity. Knowing that You are here with me. In awe of how this came to be. I asked for Thee to be with me. Simple now it is to see. How much that Thee mean to me. 

You, Thy Son and Holy Gohst are the ones I love the most. All in one or separate beings Catholics Mormons all believing. Both are right I dare to say. Only You can be this way. I pray to Thee both day and night. I pray for wisdom and insight. In Jesus' name I pray tonight. I pray Thou keep me in Thy sight. 


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