Dear Heavenly Father

I am grateful for this opportunity to speak with You. I wish to speak candidly about how I feel and what I need. Funny talking to You about my wants and needs as You know how difficult it has always been for me to separate the two. As the Ultimate Authority on what I need I leave them completely up to You dear God. My wants are now entirely to fulfill the needs of those You have entrusted on to me. I do wish to have some say over my own feelings and emotions. You have blessed me with more than my fair share of both. Most of my life I have felt cursed by them, lately I've begun to see the blessings in having passionate feelings and tidal waves of emotion. For all the sorrow, grief, frustration and rage there has been equal portions of happiness, joy, victory and love. My current medical conditions aside, I thank Thee for providing safe haven from myself, I ask Thee please help me maintain my balance. Please bless my Doctors and care givers and help them help me. I ask for this so that I may care for those who need me. 

Dear God please be close to me this week and guide my words and actions. Help me make a real difference at work and help me help the doctors and care givers I work with so they may improve the care for those who need them. Please protect me as I travel and bring me safely home to my family. 

Oh God please grant me restful sleep tonight and speak to me in my dreams. Tell me what I need to know. Show me what I need to see. Help me be a good husband and father. Grant me wisdom, strength, and courage and the ability to use them in accordance to Thy Will. Please lessen my pain and grant Thy Healing. I pray in the name Jesus Christ. Amen.


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