Dear Heavenly Father
Thank You for bringing us home safely. So grateful to be home after such a great trip visiting family. So good to be home with our dogs. So good to be in our own beds. Seeing our parents and uncles and cousins and nephews and nieces and spending time together as a family is such a blessing.
A little time away from work and school as a family always makes me see things differently. Driving through the vast dessert landscapes of Utah and Arizona always gives me a sense of awe and wonder. So desolate. So beautiful. How big the girls have grown sonce only last year when we were there last. God, thank You for another vacation as a family. So grateful you have help me become a better father. A little more in control of myself. A little more wise. A little more faith in Thee. A little more of Thy beauty I see. A little less sure of myself, but sure now it's not all up to me. A little more able to be free. Thank You for being with us. Thank You for being righteous and glorious, victorious and true. All glory to You. Thy Love is true. All I can do is keep on loving You.
Please grant me restful sleep tonight. Tomorrow help me fight the good fight. Help me know wrong from right, good from bad. Help me make happy the sad. Guide my actions at work. Be with me all day. Give me the words to say. Show me the things to do. So I can glorify You. Help my children at school. Let them know You are there. Help my wife at work. Give her Thy Love to share. Help me God this week. Help me find that which I seek. Please send me a sign. Help me know my mind. What I ask is true. What would Thee have me do? I ask because I love You. I ask because I know. Wherever You send me I will gladly go. Grant me wisdom, strength and courage. Grant me the ability to use them to discern Thy Will and abide by it. Fire my imagination, spark new ideas, and instill the confidence to pursue them. Bless me with Thy Holy Spirit. I pray for all this in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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