Dear Heavenly Father

I am so grateful for Thy grace. Thank You for putting me in this place. Thank You for the freedom to do as I will. Thank You for loving me still. For my health, for my wealth, for my life and for my wife, Thou art my God. Thou art my Love. I worship Thee. Thou art above. With me below. By my side when I hide. I love Thee. Thou art great. Thou art big? Thee create. The great I am. I am that I am. I am that too. All thanks to You. Bless me with Thy presence. Bless me with Thy grace.  Help me know my place. Help me know my Why. Help me know Thy Will. Open mine eyes so that I may be still. Clear my mind. Soften my heart. Help me find my way. Help me see Thee. Help me know that Thou art with me. Bless my family. Make us well. I pray in the name Emanuel. Amen.


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