Dear Father in Heaven

Thank you for taking that walk with me. I have always considered myself a tortured Soul, but since then realize my suffering has been self inflicted. I now know things I must have always known, but hid from myself as I felt not deserving of such Grace. Your Kingdom is within me and my Spirit is divine. Thy Spirit resides in my heart and I feel Thy Love in my Soul. This is as close as my mind will ever come to understanding Thee. My human intellect is incapable of comprehending Thee and that’s OK. I am good enough for You so that’s good enough for me. Being perfect isn’t everything, but the desire to be is what matters. I desire to be all that You created me to be. I wish to align my Will with Thy Will and see where that leads. Please help me know Thy Will. Make Thy signs plain to me. Help me trust my feelings. I love Thee, trust Thee, and leave it all with Thee; my pain, my suffering, my worry and my joy. I pray to Thee my Soul to keep as I lay me down to sleep. Goodnight. Amen. 


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