
I'm wondering what to say. You know what? what. I'm going to lay here and listen for You to say something. Anything. Is it the ringing in my ears not allowing me to hear? Is it the storm of fragmented thoughts in my head that keep me from listening? Please calm my mind. Please turn down the noise? Are you in the black matter between the pulses of thought. Or is it just me there too? Are we there together in Spirit? The thoughts that just come, are you sending them or are they the fruit if our interaction? Is there something else? Is there evil? An evil being? Or is that which I seek to define an absence of Thee? Is hate merely the absence of love? Is duality the framework of an infinite reality? Is it really that simple? Good and evil, black and white, with Thee or without. Is morality two dimensional and we as humans are placed in the middle and given the freedom to choose this way or that? I've been thinking a lot about the middle ground as a wasteland. Barren. Free to choose but left undecided. Left verses right meeting in the middle. But yet I think alas duality is not reality it's a framework. As Spiritual beings our reality is infinite. Metaphysical. We are not in the middle between two points. We are at the center of everything we perceive. We are at the center of our own perceived reality. We choose our vantage point. With Thee I see the expanse of an infinite expanding multiverse. Without Thee I see myself. Alone. Listening. Wondering what next. Is this praying? This is  Love. I feel Thy presence. Here. In the center. Amen.


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