
why have I fallen so hard again? Why must I be in such pain? My body aches with new pains and fires the old familiar soar mess. Give me strength to continue to move through the physical pain of my body and not dwell on the things I can no longer do. Help me run again. To sprint. To regain my ability and desire to train, heal and rehabilitate myself. Help me heal my body, mind and Spirit. Is my Spirit Thy Spirit? My Soul is it me? Mind, body, Spirit are they the trinity of my Soul? You as the Father, Son and Holy Gohst as the one true God and separate beings at the same time are truly a holy  mystery. My desire to understand pales to my need to know Thou art with me. I feel Thy presence. My spirit my gohst feel Thy Love. My mind seeks to understand. My body is prodigal and lost. Please help me welcome it home. Loved by my Soul, but foresaken by my mind. In my depression my mind and body fall. Help me stand. Help me think clearly. Grant me focus. Grant me strength. That my mind and body can raise my Spirit to honor Thee. Leave me not to dwell as a tortured Soul, but let Thy Grace be the wings that lift my Spirit. Let the truth of Thy Love set me free. Allow me to share Thy Love and Grace with my family, with the world. Grant me imagination. Bless me with creativity. Help me use these gifts to raise the spirits of those I love. Help me love. Help me be Thy Love. In Thy name I pray. Amen.


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