Heavenly Father
So grateful so humbled. Is what I just read and understood an answer to last night’s prayer? Truly You astound and confound me. Genesis. Seriously? You speak to me through Genesis? Thou aren’t alone? Amazing. What else about Thee am I to learn? This isn’t going to be easy is it? Didn’t think so. Tonight with the banana bread, that was You too wasn’t it? Dick is a special guy. Please comfort him and bless him and bring Barbara home with Thee. Bless their family. Please bless Pat tomorrow and his surgeon. Comfort Mary. Help me lead my family. Bless me with wisdom, courage and understanding. Help me be there for my wife and daughters. Bless me with restful sleep. Help me be productive and useful at work tomorrow. Help me be calm. Be with me. Allow me to recognize Thy presence. Help me be present. Help me be kind. Sharpen my mind. Soften my heart. Use me to share Thy Love. I believe in the Glory of God. I pray in the name Emmanuel. Amen.
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