The Great I am

 Praise be to Thee. I worship Thee and give thanks for Thee. Thou art the all powerful, all knowing, all wise. I am grateful for the many blessings you have giving me. I love Thee. I wish to know Thee better. I want to know Thy Will. Please send me signs. Let me hear Thy voice. Grant me strength, courage and wisdom. Protect me from my blind side. Give me the words to lead my daughters and the actions to lead my wife. Give me grit. Help me share Thy words. Help share Thy love. Bless me with restful sleep. Be with me at work. Help me get it done. I give it all to Thee stress, anxiety, anger, worry please take it all away from me. Fill me with calm, peace and joy. Protect my family as we dwell in Thy Kingdom. I pray in the name Jesus Christ. Amen.


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