Ask Seek Knock


Dear Father,

It is written “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” With childlike faith, I come before You, trusting in Your goodness and Your faithfulness to answer the questions of my heart.


In the silence of my heart, I come before You, humbly seeking Your divine presence and guidance. As I lift my voice to You, I ask for the grace to abide in Your will, to walk in Your ways, and to fulfill the purpose You have ordained for me. Grant me, O Lord, the strength, wisdom, and courage to navigate the journey You have set before me.


In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, I find solace in Your everlasting love and unwavering faithfulness. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the One who holds all things together by the power of Your word. In You, I find my refuge and my strength.


Jesus, my Savior and Redeemer, You walked this earth in perfect obedience to the Father’s will. In Your humanity, You experienced the depths of human emotions and struggles, yet You remained steadfast in Your commitment to do the Father’s bidding. Teach me, Lord, to surrender my will to Yours, to embrace Your perfect plan for my life, even when the path seems uncertain or the burdens too heavy to bear.


Grant me the strength to persevere in times of trial, to rise above adversity with unwavering faith and trust in Your providence. Help me to remember that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, and that Your grace is always sufficient for me.


Father, I long for wisdom that surpasses earthly understanding, a wisdom that is rooted in Your eternal truth and guided by Your Holy Spirit. Open my eyes to see the world through Your perspective, to discern Your voice amidst the noise of this world. Help me to seek Your wisdom above all else, to treasure Your Word in my heart, and to live according to Your precepts.


As I journey through the valleys and mountaintops of life, grant me the courage to step out in faith, to embrace the unknown with confidence knowing that You are always with me. Strengthen my resolve to follow You, even when the way ahead seems daunting or the risks too great. May Your Spirit empower me to overcome fear and doubt, and to walk boldly in the light of Your truth.


Father, I also ask for restful sleep that rejuvenates my body, mind, and spirit. Bless me with dreams that are filled with Your presence, dreams that illuminate Your will and purpose for my life. Grant me the ability to discern the signs and symbols You place before me, to interpret them with clarity and insight.


Help me to recognize Your hand at work in every circumstance, to trust Your timing and Your ways, even when they diverge from my own desires or expectations. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, anchoring me in the depths of Your unfailing love.


In Your mercy, hear my prayer, O Lord, and grant me the grace to abide in Your will each day of my life. For in You alone, I find my strength, my wisdom, and my courage. To You be all glory, honor, and praise, now and forevermore.




I am reminded of Your words, spoken in love and compassion: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” With childlike faith, I come before You, trusting in Your goodness and Your faithfulness to answer the cries of my heart. Amen.


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