Dear Heavenly Father

Dear Heavenly Father
I thank Thee for my life
I thank Thee for my wife Suzy
I thank Thee for Kayla
I thank Thee for Chloe
I thank Thee for Mary
I thank Thee for Tyler, Emma, and Tucker too
I am so grateful for your Son Jesus Christ
I am so grateful for Baha'u'llah
Thank You for your love and thank You for Love
Please grant me wisdom, strength, courage
Please allow me to know Thee and to share Thy love
Please grant me the capacity to know Thy truth, know the Truth, and let it set me free
Grant me the faith to move mountains
Allow me to forgive myself as Thow has forgiven me
Let me know Thy will
Show me the way
Soften my heart
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ


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