Please dear God

Bless me Father for I have sinned and wish to repent. Help me hear you. Bring me closer to You. Speak louder to me as I see how deaf I have become. Spiritually I am dull. Inside I am weak. My body aches and my soul grieves. I know You are there. I know You are with me. I know I believe I have faith and this makes me strong. I am weak. You have made me stronger. You have helped me overcome so much and for this I am grateful. Please help me overcome myself. Give me strength. Give me the power to do what is right. Give me the mind to know what is right. Give me the means to support my family. Make me worthy to lead my family. Give me the wisdom to guide my family. Give me the Love to share with them. Wake me in the morning and let me know I am highly favored and greatly blessed. Give me the energy to help my children and inspire my wife. Lead me not into temptation, deliver me from evil, show me the promised land, give me the keys to unlock every door. Let me drink as my cup runith over. Serve me the sweet nectar of life. Let me not waste this life you have given me, use me for Thy Will, make me a favored son, worthy child, and brother to all. Let me rest and sleep tonight and wake with you on my lips.  Let there be signs to guide my ways. Show me what to do. Show Yourself to me and I will follow, show me Your face, talk to me and I will listen. I ask for this in the name of Jesus Emmanuel Christ. I call on your glorious name Allah'u'Abha, taught me by your holy glory Baha'u'llah and thank Thee for all the prophets and Your holy scriptures. I ask You to reveal Thy plan for me. What can I do for you? For all You have done for me, I will do on to others, For all the Love You have for me I have for You as well.

Amen amen amen




I love You,

Your Son,



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