
I heard some great advice tonight. "Be as your father." I have always aspired to be like my dad. The good parts anyway. The less desirable parts have come to me easily. I shall not list them as You know more than I about our shared weaknesses and short comings. Be as your Father. I can't get it out of my head. Kind of raises the bar a bit. Be like Jesus. Be as the One who he aspired to. I wish to be as Thee. Destined to fail. With Thee beside me anything is possible. Please Father be with me. Do not fore sake me. In the name of the Son and my Savior Jesus Christ I pray to be free from all that keeps me from Thee. Please free me from all wants, needs and desires save Thee. Free me from hunger, thirst and lust. Clear my mind of thoughts unworthy of Thee. Free my body from its many addictions. Let fasting feed my Soul. Let purity fire up my Spirit. Lead me guide me stand beside me. Let my passion be for Thee. I will wordhip only You. I will sing Thy praises and call on Thee day and night. Oh God dear God grant me this. Please. I wish to be like Thee. I wish to be as my Father. I pray for this in Jesus' name, Amen. 


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