Grateful for this time alone with You. Everyone asleep. Quiet. Thinking about what to say wondering again how to pray. Laying here wide awake. Thinking everything through for my family’s sake. Grateful we’re all here together. Home. Waiting for the storm. Please God make me strong. Help me sing my song. Help me face this fear. Let me know for sure You’re near. Help me sleep tonight. Grant me wisdom. Be my light. What is to come in the dark days ahead? Bless the many dead. Grant me peace of mind. Help me find a way through. Light my way home to You. Please bless me with restful sleep tonight. Help me know wrong from right. Send me signs. Send me dreams. Sharpen my mind and make it clear. Open my ears so I can hear Thy voice. I will close this prayer and listen. I’ll be mindful and and dwell on Thee. Let Thy Love help me see. Thy Will and plan for me and mine. Abide therein and bide my time. I praise and worship Thee. Let it be on earth as is in Heaven. The Lord’s pray god’s is in my head. Along with everything I’ve said. My love for a Thee is true. Let me dream what I should do and say. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen. Now I listen. Now I pray.
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